
Automatic transfer control system of silos

The silo area is the first stage of the oil and fat processing plant, serving as a temporary storage area for raw materials. Raw materials (such as rapeseed, soybeans, corn germ, etc.) are cleaned and stored before entering the warehouse. Long term storage of raw materials can generate heat, and the temperature rise has a direct impact on the oil output rate of subsequent process production. On the other hand, it is easy to cause the raw materials to denature and agglomerate, resulting in abnormal discharge and even spontaneous combustion during the silo discharge.

The silo area is the first stage of the oil and fat processing plant, serving as a temporary storage area for raw materials. Raw materials (such as rapeseed, soybeans, corn germ, etc.) are cleaned and stored before entering the warehouse. Long term storage of raw materials can generate heat, and the temperature rise has a direct impact on the oil output rate of subsequent process production. On the other hand, it is easy to cause the raw materials to denature and agglomerate, resulting in abnormal discharge and even spontaneous combustion during the silo discharge.

This system is specifically designed to solve the practical problems in production mentioned above. It is equipped with a multi-point average temperature transmitter to measure and control the temperature of raw materials at different depths of the silo in real time. Once the temperature exceeds the standard, the system immediately starts the automatic bin transfer mode. The raw materials can be sent to any bin by the high-temperature bin. During this period, the cooling fan, inlet gate, and outlet valve will automatically open or close. After the bin transfer operation is completed, it will automatically stop. Bin transfer operation and production can be carried out separately, Without mutual interference, the radar level gauge monitors the silo level in real-time and can set an alarm level to emit sound and light alarms.


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