
Vision: To become a world-class enterprise.

Core Values: Integrity, Innovation, Service.

Business Core: Integrity.

Enterprise Spirit: Unity and hard work, pioneering and pragmatism, customer satisfaction, technological progress.

Customers: Provide customers with high-quality and valuable specialized products and services, earning their understanding, respect, and support through sincerity and strength.

Market: Reduce procurement costs and risks for customers, providing practical guarantees for their investments.

Development: Pursue the goal of sustainable development, built on customer satisfaction.

Creating Value for Partners:

The company views customers, suppliers, shareholders, and employees as partners, and believes that only by striving to create value for these partners can it demonstrate its own value and achieve development and success.

Honesty, Tolerance, Innovation, and Service:

The company considers integrity as the foundation for all cooperation, tolerance as the prerequisite for problem-solving, innovation as the essential tool for business development, and service as the fundamental means of creating value. The company will persistently strive for continuous improvement, meet customer expectations, ensure quality comes first, and explore global markets.

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